What is the Current Problem?
On March 30th, President Trump announced a Coronavirus supply chain task force led by Admiral John Polowczyk. The Admiral stated one of the core problems is asset reallocation.
FEMA needs a better understanding of what resources are available, where its located, and who needs it.
I. EAMS Helps With Asset Reallocation
EAMS (Emergency Asset Management System)
EAMS is a web-based disaster mitigation tool that collects data on the location, availability and disbursement of resources to be used in an emergency. The system is setup to automate the processes associated with the collection and disbursement of disaster resources – all in real-time.
In emergency crisis management, there can be no delays. A system is needed to keep up with the demand fluctuations in real-time, along with helping to prevent a future crisis from sprawling out of control.
Benefit of Reallocation: Redeploying assets you already own is Faster, Cheaper, Safer and More Efficient.
EAMS Functionality Solves Many Problems (2:37 min)
II. What Is EAMS?
* EAMS is built on the Award Winning Enterprise Platform MonetaPro.io
* It is integrated into IBM Blockchain (which provides asset management updates for tracking)
* Blockchain Component for Audit Trails and Built-in tracking credits allow for proper reimbursements (and assets to be recovered and returned after crisis)
* Credits also create ability to regulate who purchases how much (stops over purchasing and hoarding)
* Software is operational, functionable and scalable (again, it’s repurposed from an existing platform) allowing for full hierarchy and user controls to private and public entries and volunteers
* 3-Minute Learning curve (meaning a directive goes out to the field and data collection, identification, acquisition could be done immediately)
Click to View – What is EAMS (4:58 min)
III. EAMS Is Ready To Deploy Now
See the Functionality, Capability and Ease of Use
Get an in-depth look at the EAMS platform

IV. Solution – Utilizing EAMS
Acceleration, Expansion & Reallocation are vital during times of crises. The infrastructure of the database along with the ability to adapt in real-time is vital to the supply chain and distribution of resources. When an emergency strikes, EAMS is already in “real-time” status. An emergency management team can access resources, materials and even pre-qualified volunteers in an instant with EAMS. A pull-down menu allows you to find and highlight an item for allocation.
Once that has been done, an email notification is sent automatically to both the requester (recipient) and the resource (owner) indicating where exactly the item needs to be sent. (Resources are displayed as to where they were sent and who sent them).
EAMS Lets Users:
1. Identify Idle Assets & Catalog Them
*Easy E-Commerce Interface
2. Discover What is Idle & Available
*Built-in Search Engine
3. Reallocate Items & Resources
*Easily Move to Needed Locations.
4. Set Limits & Controls
*Regulate Allocations & Hoarding
EAMS Shortcast Video (5:28min)
Securing the PPE Supply Chain
Four main components to Supply Chain, and why redeployment is better, faster, cheaper, safer.
EAMS Podcast Video (30:54min)
Introducing EAMS: A Tech Solution for Disaster Management
The BullsEye Guy explains the current state of the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis and the reactive response by governments that still use forms and spreadsheets. Stephen proposes a proactive and scalable web-based solution called EAMS (Emergency Asset Management System) that can provide greater efficiency to help save lives.
EAMS Podcast Video (30:54min)
View Covid-19 Projections for the US and each state
May 26th, 2020
MonetaPro – EAMS Press Release
April 7th, 2020
Governor Newsom (CA) Solution to Donations
April 4th, 2020
Governor Cuomo (NY) Solution to Donations
March 30th, 2020
Former FEMA Chief: Don’t Expect FEMA to ‘Fix’ the Coronavirus Response
March 29th, 2020
Remarks by President Trump in a Meeting with Supply Chain Distributors on COVID-19
News and Video Clips
April 21st, 2020
Mayor De Blasio (NY) Discussess How to Be Better Prepared for the Next Pandemic Emergency
April 9th, 2020
Governor Newsom (CA) on Reallocating and Loaning Assets
April 3rd, 2020
Governor Cuomo (NY) discusses the importance of systematized and redeployment of idle assets
Governor Cuomo (NY) explains how assets will be donated and returned
April 2nd, 2020
March 30th, 2020
Coronavirus response from President Trump & Governor Cuomo of NY (7:35 min)